
Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Development Framework for Socially Controversial Projects

Written by MIT CANES | Sep 20, 2024 5:40:14 PM

Report Date: March 2016
Appendices: No

This Nuclear Stakeholder Management Manual is intended to seeks to help implementers of nuclear projects answer two questions:

    Why have so many nuclear projects failed in the United States over the last 35 years?
    What are you, as the manager of your project, going to do differently to prevent your project from failing?

The purpose of the Nuclear Stakeholder Engagement Manual is two-fold. First, the manual aims to outline the essential elements of stakeholder engagement as gleaned from a model for stakeholder acceptance: the Golay-Williams Model of Stakeholder Acceptance for Socially Controversial Projects [1] [2]. Second, the manual aims to operationalize the Golay-Williams Model by outlining attributes of stakeholder engagement strategies and defining stakeholder relationship guiding principles that capture the benefits identified in the Golay-Williams Model. The manual offers a three-stage process for developing, maintaining and (if needed) recovering a successful stakeholder engagement strategy. In summary, the manual provides a structure and a process to aid project implementers in gaining and maintaining stakeholder acceptance for socially controversial projects—such as those of nuclear facilities.

Program:     NSP Nuclear Systems Enhanced Performance
Type:     TR 

RPT. No.: 36