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Report Date: April 2024
Appendices: No


Significant effort is now underway in the United States (US) to develop the licensing basis for advanced reactors, which vary greatly in terms of power rating, physical size, types of fuel and coolant, and civil construction. At the same time, commercial deployment of these reactors need to satisfy capital cost and operations and maintenance targets, for which they can be highly correlated to their licensing basis. On this front, shrinking the reactor building footprint and volume of materials, reducing or eliminating the need for on-site, 24-hour-a-day security personnel, and maximizing the number of possible sites, including urban areas and cities, will be key to the economic viability of smaller MWe advanced reactors. In August 2023, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ruled on emergency preparedness for small modular reactors and other new nuclear technologies. NRC ruling provides optimism for a performance-based treatment of smaller MWe reactors. However, physical security considerations were not part of the ruling and the guidance in this area remains unclear.

This investigation performs a consequence-based analysis to determine the ability of a microreactor to withstand physical security attacks without the intervention of an on-site security team. The work utilizes a MIT-designed 15MW Sodium-cooled Graphite-moderated Thermal microReactor (SGTR) as the reference reactor. A scope of postulated security threats, organized by category (fire, blast, aircraft crash, sabotage), is considered. A screening process is conducted, using probabilistic and qualitative factors, to identify Design-Basis Threats (DBTs). Damage from each DBT is studied, and mitigation strategies against various threats are identified. Particular effort is devoted to quantifying the robustness of the reactor building’s (RB) to mechanical damage and impacts. Each DBT source term is evaluated through examination of a primary coolant fire and the mechanistic estimation of source term during a Prolonged Loss-of-Heat-Removal (PLHR) scenario. Resulting public dose exposure is assessed using a Gaussian-plume atmospheric dispersion model. Dose exposure goals of 25 and 1 rem (250 and 10 mSv) are expressed in terms of Low Population Zone (LPZ) and Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) sizes. When relevant, recommendations for offsite security response timing and its impact on accident source term are provided.

From the civil engineering perspective, employing a thick (~2 m) reinforced concrete (RC) radiation shield as a core enclosure is highly effective in preventing mechanical damage to the core from physical security events. Regarding radiological impacts, it is shown that a PLHR event does not pose a threat to public health. However, the analysis highlighted the vulnerability of the SGTR design to high coolant (sodium) activation. Design-Basis aircraft crashes and contact blasts, capable of damaging the primary heat exchanger could be a more limiting accident. Based on this finding, the design of the SGTR was modified such that the the primary exchanger would be moved to the 2m-thick RC

radiation shield enclosure, safeguarding it from the considered DBTs. Overall, since the SGTR was originally designed to have minimal off-site consequences during a PLHR event, this resiliency during a beyond design basis accident translated to high resiliency from a physical security point-of-view while the reactor is in operation. Therefore, we conclude that there is high potential for SGTR to forgo a need for onsite-security guards to protect its reactor building from DBTs under normal operation. This conclusion is design specific, not applicable to other operational modes (e.g., transportation of a microreactor back to a central facility), and subject to uncertainty and scope of the study.

Program:     ANP : Advanced Nuclear Power Program

Type:     TR 

RPT. No.: 200